Colores Speech Rebrand
Kristina at Colores Speech is a speech & language pathologist based out of Minnesota offer individualized and culturally-responsive speech therapy services. The Colores Speech rebrand is rooted in the relationship between geometry and speech. Overall, while they may seem quite different on the surface, there are parallels in terms of structure, organization, patterns, and the manipulation of elements. The goal for this rebrand was clear: to respect the essence of Colores Speech’s history, while offering a more unique and tailored look that draws to the main idea of individualized & culturally-responsive.
Project Scope
– Discovery & Strategy
– Logo suite
– Custom typography
– Icon design
– Typography & Colour
– Messaging
– Collateral (marketing, stationery, merch)
– Web design

The Shapes of Speech
Drawing inspiration from the messaging of the brand, I developed a handful of icons using the brands geometric shapes to represent the core themes of Kristina’s services and mantra. These shapes work as supporting design elements to add colores and playfulness within and around layouts.

Colour Palette

Colores Design Language
1. The “Colores Bubble” serving as a framing device for all copy.
2. Rounded corners on all but the bottom left corner.
3. Accompanying geometric shape adding complimentary colour to the background.
4. Off-White instead of white.
5. Simple layouts using geometric shapes and vibrant colours.

Using the now established visual language, I designed and developed a new one page website, along with 3 external windows that shed more light on the services that Kristina provides for her clients.
